Tag Archives: Bean

Whole or Grounded?

Who would have ever thought I would hear from the Lord in something as simple as my morning cup of coffee?  My family will tell you, it’s not really coffee, but rather a lot of sweetener and hazelnut creamer with a little coffee on the side.   No matter how you flavor your coffee, if you don’t start your preparation right, you’ll be very disappointed with that first sip . . . trust me . . . I know this first hand.

It was a simple mistake.  Rushing to get groceries I grabbed a bag of coffee that was whole coffee beans instead of grabbing the grounded type.  Had I kept that coffee grinder instead of adding it to the garage sale pile, I wouldn’t have been so upset.  But of course, it sold and now I’m left looking at a bunch of beans and licking my lips in anticipation of my morning brew.

My Momas favorite phrase was, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”  Calm down, my mother never really harmed a cat.  She was an animal lover through and through.  This is just a southern way of saying there is more than one way to get the job done. My mother and her creative ideas would put the Discovery Channel to shame today.  This ability to see things with multiple solutions is one of her strongest traits that I posses . . . thank the Lord!

And so the process begins.  Blender . . . not too good, still some beans that aren’t grounded. Food processor . . . not a whole lot better.  The thought of pulling out my hammer crossed my mind, but then I opted for a tag-team approach.  I tried the food processor, then put that mixture into the blender.  My counters are now covered with a black mist and the smell has me going crazy for a cup of coffee.  As I examined the half grounded chunks of my coffee, I did what any red blooded coffee lover would do.  I attempted to make coffee with this crunchy blender of beans.

I know that all the coffee connoisseurs are cringing right now and I apologize.  Who would have ever dreamed the coffee bean was so complex?  As I waited for the coffee to finish brewing, I noticed it just didn’t look right.  The smell wasn’t as strong as usual either.  And then, it happened.  I poured this weak brew into my favorite mug, took a sip, and was devastated!  It’s good that no one was home because my shriek of, “Noooooo” would have scared my family.  I poured out the horrible imposter that called itself coffee and as I looked at the crunchies in my coffee filter it happened . . . my burning bush moment occurred.

Grumbling under my breath i said, “Why can’t you be what I need without being grounded?”  The Lord spoke to me and reminded me that just like this coffee bean, sometimes we  need to be grounded, or crushed to get the most fragrant aroma out of our lives.  Many times the very things we think are crushing us are really the things God is using to bring out our best.  I paused and considered my life and the many crushing blows its had.  As difficult and painful as they were, they created in me strength, stamina and gave my life an aroma that glorifies the Lord.

When you think about your Christian walk in comparison to the coffee bean, consider it all joy when tried and tested.  For its in these crushing moments that God is loving you enough to help you become the best you can be.  After all who wants to be a weak imitation when you can be the real thing?